Thu 10:00 AM - Thu 11:00 AM: 0 tickets, $2 each (Official Listing)

A puzzly tile-laying and token-drafting game featuring the habitats and wildlife of the Pacific Northwest. The one who creates the most harmonious ecosystem will win!


Thu 10:00 AM - Thu 11:00 AM
Stadium / Field : Fight in the Skies / HQ
Long Description:
In Cascadia, you take turns building out your own terrain area and populating it with wildlife. On each turn you choose a new habitat tile that's paired with a wildlife token, then place that tile next to your habitiat and place the wildlife token on an appropriate habitat. Ideally you can place habitat tiles to create matching terrain that reduces fragmentation and creates wildlife corridors, mostly because you score for the largest area of each type of habitat at game's end. At the same time, you want to place wildlife tokens so that you can maximize the number of points scored by them, with the wildlife goals being determined at random by one of the four scoring cards for each type of wildlife. Maybe hawks want to be separate from other hawks, while foxes want lots of different animals surrounding them and bears want to be in pairs. Can you make it happen?
Event Website:
Organizing Group:
GM Names:
Katie Iverson
Event Type:
Game System:
Rules Edition:
# Players:
2 - 4 players
Age Required:
Everyone (6+)
Experience Required:
None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials Provided?:

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  • This event
    10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    0 tickets available
  • BGM23ND232055
    11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    0 tickets available


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