Thu 3:00 PM - Thu 4:00 PM: 12 tickets, $0 each (Official Listing)

A bidding and bluffing game like Liar’s Dice. Each player can bid on how many of a given number exists among all players’ hands, including wild stars. Last player standing wins.


Thu 3:00 PM - Thu 4:00 PM
ICC / Hall C : Enginuity / HQ
Long Description:
You can exchange cards to improve your hand before bidding. You can DOUBLE a challenge made on your Bid, raising the stakes. The challenger can fire back with a TRIPLE. If you’re challenged, you can get out of it by changing your bid - but there’s a price for doing so. After bidding but before cards are shown, every other player must TAKE SIDES with either the bidder of challenger, losing a card if they guess wrong, or they can change the bid rather than having to take sides. And then there’s the bid of Showdown, which means “I think your bid was exactly right!” If you call "Showdown" and the bid is exactly right, every other player loses a card and you gain one. But it was high OR low, you lose a card.
Event Website:
Organizing Group:
GM Names:
Vincent Salzillo
Game System:
Rules Edition:
# Players:
2 - 12 players
Age Required:
Teen (13+)
Experience Required:
None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials Provided?:

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  • This event
    3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    12 tickets available
  • CGM23ND235665
    9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
    5 tickets available


  • CGM23ND235666
    3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    10 tickets available
  • CGM23ND235667
    9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
    12 tickets available


  • CGM23ND235668
    3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    11 tickets available
  • CGM23ND235669
    9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
    10 tickets available


  • CGM23ND235670
    1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
    11 tickets available