Dark Sun: A Day at the Arena
Sat 9:00 PM - Sat 11:00 PM: 3 tickets, $6 each (Official Listing)

Featuring a 25mm scale arena where players take the roles of spectators of the Grand Melee - the final event celebrating the completion of King Kalak's ziggurat.


Sat 9:00 PM - Sat 11:00 PM
ICC / Hall A : Orange / 13--14
Long Description:
This is a fast-paced funnel-type event where players are 0-Level PCs in a series of quick encounters that all occur during an arena festival when the unthinkable happens! Players use cooperative tactics, role-playing or other creative methods to escape the chaos. PC deaths can be frequent, but respawning as a new PC is unlimited. Groups of PCs working together will have a better chance at surviving by pooling resources/pulling together and perhaps escape the arena or at least survive until things have calmed down. All Players are awarded with a Dark Sun themed miniature and may also win other prizes to include an 'I Survived' T-shirt.
Organizing Group:
GM Names:
June Soler Gaming junesoler@gmail.com
Game System:
Dungeons & Dragons
Rules Edition:
# Players:
3 - 8 players
Age Required:
Teen (13+)
Experience Required:
Some (You've played it a bit and understand the basics)
Materials Provided?:

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  • This event
    9:00 PM - 11:00 PM
    3 tickets available


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