Maximum Cyberhell 20XX: Trapped in the Death Loop 5000
Fri 10:00 AM - Fri 2:00 PM: -1 tickets, $4 each (Official Listing)

In the grimmest, darkest future, the Kings of Carnage force their endlessly resurrected subjects to fight and die for sport! Can you escape their latest terrifying competition and find true freedom?


Fri 10:00 AM - Fri 2:00 PM
JW / Room 207 / 2
Long Description:
In the maximally hellish cyber-future of 20XX, the Kings of Carnage rule the blasted wastelands of Urth from smog-belching fortresses. Miserable subjects sealed in rank dungeons endlessly re-live short, terrified lives, “preserved” purely for the Kings’ vile amusement. Their resurrected consciousnesses are forced back into violent bloodsport time and again. You are one such prisoner-gladiator, with no memory of how many times you have died and been reborn. The Kings of Carnage have decreed a grand new entertainment to overshadow all that have come before it: The Death Loop 5000 – a no-holds-barred race to unknown lands. To the victor-pilot go the greatest of spoils: freedom from their grasp and a chance at true death. And to the losers? Nothing but the bite of steel against flesh, the cruel lash of flame, and then yet another gasping resurrection to a new day of unending torments.
Organizing Group:
GM Names:
Randy Pinion
Game System:
Rules Edition:
# Players:
3 - 6 players
Age Required:
Mature (18+)
Experience Required:
None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials Provided?:

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  • This event
    10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    -1 tickets available


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