Solve the Mystery!
Fri 7:00 PM - Fri 10:00 PM: 0 tickets, $4 each (Official Listing)

Find the evidence, and apprehend the culprit behind a mysterious skin condition in the city of Lerabel. Use one of my premade 3rd level characters or create your own and bring the culprit to justice.


Fri 7:00 PM - Fri 10:00 PM
Stadium / Suite LS9B
Long Description:
Walk Away with props from the game! Find the evidence, and apprehend the culprit behind a mysterious skin condition in the city of Lerabel. Use one of my premade 3rd level characters or create your own and bring the culprit to justice. You and your team are investigating a concerned citizen who is sure someone in the Duke of Lerabels court is behind what is happening. Does this citizen have their own agenda? How is this being covered up? Can it be brought to light without consequence? This game will have time to role-play characters engaging in interviewing, infiltration, and combat or two to gather evidence and interrupt the nefarious plots in Lerabel. I will have printed 3rd-level characters available to play, but you can bring your own. I will also have a physical battle map, so if you have a favorite mini, bring it!
Organizing Group:
GM Names:
Devon Chulick, Matthew Balogh
Game System:
Dungeons & Dragons
Rules Edition:
# Players:
2 - 6 players
Age Required:
Mature (18+)
Experience Required:
None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials Provided?:

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  • This event
    7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
    0 tickets available


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