WHAAAATTTT? Using Gamification Design to Teach Required College Courses!
Wed 4:00 PM - Wed 5:00 PM: 69 tickets, $0 each (Official Listing)

Designing course content is tricky! Doing it in a way that interests students in required courses is a Gordian Knot! Join your IU colleagues for inspiration AND support for this age-old problem!


Wed 4:00 PM - Wed 5:00 PM
JW / White River G
Long Description:
College students often view required courses as tedious at best and unimportant and unworthy of their time and effort in worst-case scenarios. But what happens when these required courses are built upon gamified approaches and playful pedagogy? Is it possible for adults to earn college credits and complete pre-requisites while enjoying the process and learning the course content? YES IT IS! Join faculty from Indiana University to get some inspiration and brainstorm your own future course design! (This session is not conceptually tied to specific software, but it will demonstrate various applications integrated into the curriculum.) Faculty from all K-12 and college disciplines at all learning levels will take inspiration from this session. Session participants will have time to discuss, process and brainstorm their own course design applications of shared ideas.
Event Website:
Organizing Group:
GM Names:
Kym Kramer, Trade Day kakramer@indiana.edu
Event Type:
Game System:
Rules Edition:
# Players:
2 - 80 players
Age Required:
Everyone (6+)
Experience Required:
None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials Provided?:

Sessions Hide unavailable sessions


  • This event
    4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    69 tickets available